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Set up/ Change PPS Internet Password

To access PPS by Internet, please bring along the bank card which is linked up with your PPS Account and go to any PPS Registration Terminal. Select "Setup or Change Internet Password" function and follow instruction to create a new 8-digit numeric Internet Password. View the demo now.

To raise the online security level, you are advised to change your Internet Password to 8-28 characters with at least three out of four listed character sets: Alphabetical character upper case/ Alphabetical character lower case/ Numeric characters/ Special characters [only accept (@), (_), (-), (') and (.)] by clicking the "Account Settings" page after you login to PPS web site. View the demo now.

To create/ change your Password, please follow the tips below:

  • Select a password which is difficult to guess.
  • Create your password with at least three out of four listed character sets: Alphabetical character upper case/ Alphabetical character lower case/ Numeric characters/ Special characters [only accept (@), (_), (-), (') and (.)].
  • Avoid using repetitive or consecutive digits in your password.
  • Do not associate your password with anything personal such as your Login ID, birth dates, names, phone numbers or other familiar words.
  • Do not use those login ID and passwords that have been used in other Internet services.

To protect your password, we strongly recommend that you

  • Change your password on a regular basis.
  • Never share the password with anyone, or tell anyone about your password.
  • To prevent others from reading and using your password, never write it down.
  • Check the last logon time-stamp each time when you log on.
  • If you suspect your PPS Phone/Internet password has become known by someone else, you should change it immediately.
  • Contact PPS Customer Service immediately if you suspect any unusual or unauthorized access to your PPS account.
  • Avoid using the 'AutoFill' function of the browser for storing your PPS Account Number or PPS Account Name and PPS Internet Password

PPS Registration Terminals are located at designated Circle K Convenience Stores and HKT Service Centers. Please CLICK HERE for the list of terminal locations.

Learn more about using PPS by Internet in a brief demo
New to PPS in general. Get an overview of PPS here.
