FAQ for PPS on Mobile
FAQ for biometric login in PPS App
FAQ for Push Notification on PPS App
FAQ for Provide Personal Information
FAQ for PPS Account linked up with Dah Sing Bank
FAQ for Change and Authenticate Email Address

FAQ for PPS on Mobile  Back to top
  1. What is PPS on Mobile?

    PPS on Mobile allows you to pay bills anytime anywhere. You can search for "PPS" in Apple App Store / Google Play and install the application called "PPS on Mobile", or type in the address directly into the browser via the supported mobile handsets to login with your PPS Account Number/Name or dedicated PPS Account Name for mobile channel and PPS Internet Password.

  2. What are the functions available in PPS on Mobile?

    PPS on Mobile supports the following functions:-
    • Pay bill (Now, 30 days schedule payment or monthly payment)
    • Add bill
    • Payment history ("PPS" and "PPS Shop&Buy Service" payment record of last 60 days )
    • Bill Maintenance (including edit or delete bill schedule or monthly schedule)
    • Account Settings (Setup a dedicated PPS Account Name for "PPS on Mobile")
    • Apply "Registration Code"
    • Delete bill registration
    • Change PPS Internet Password (only available for PPS on Mobile App)

    Please note: bill registration and deletion for Credit Services, Securities Broker and The Hong Kong Jockey Club will only be available via PPS by Phone, PPS by Internet via a personal computer or PPS on Mobile App with biometric login.

    If you are using PPS on Mobile application downloaded from Apple App Store / Google Play, the following services are also available:
    • Search Registration Locator
    • Enquire Merchant List
    • Enquire Hottest Offer

  3. Is there any charge in using PPS on Mobile?

    No, there is no charge in using PPS on Mobile. However, please check with your mobile network operator about the data transmission plan and / or charges that may apply to using the Internet via your mobile handset.

  4. What should I do in order to use PPS on Mobile?

    You must have a PPS Account Number/Name and PPS Internet Password. To set up an 8-digit PPS Internet Password, please bring your ATM card, or a credit card with ATM function to the PPS Registration Terminal located at designated Circle K Convenience Stores and HKT Service Centers.

  5. How do I set-up or change a dedicated PPS Account Name Exclusively for "PPS on Mobile"?

    To set-up or change a dedicated PPS Account Name for mobile channel
    • Please login PPS
    • Select "Setup a dedicated PPS Account Name for "PPS on Mobile"" at "Account Settings"

  6. Do I need to use a specific mobile handset model to access PPS on Mobile?

    PPS on Mobile application:
    iPhone / Android phone users can search for "PPS" in Apple App Store / Google Play and install the application called "PPS on Mobile".

    Supported devices:
    • iPhone with iOS version 11.0 or above
    • Mobile handsets with Android OS version 7.0 or above

    Biometric Login function is available on Apple iPhone with registered Touch ID/ Face ID, or mobile handsets with Android OS version 8.0 or above with registered biometric ID.

    Note for Huawei users:
    If your Huawei device has not pre-installed with Google Mobile Services apps, PPS on Mobile may not be operated normally. Please use your mobile browser to visit our PPS website.

    Huawei device that has not pre-installed with Google Mobile Services apps:
    P40 series, Mate 30 series, Mate Xs, Nova 6 SE, Nova 7 series
    (handset model is for reference only)

  7. Why I cannot use PPS on Mobile with my handset?

    The problem may be due to the handset browser. You are suggested to use the latest Chrome or Safari handset browser to access PPS on Mobile. You may download or update the browser to latest version from Apple App Store or Google Play.

  8. Why can't I use PPS on Mobile application or update the app to the latest version?

    If the PPS on Mobile application cannot be updated to the latest version, please uninstall the current version and then download the latest version from Apple App store / Google Play again. If you cannot use PPS on Mobile App, please use handset browser to login PPS on Mobile service.

  9. How to use PPS on Mobile?

    After you have opened a PPS account and setup a PPS Internet Password, you can follow the below steps to pay bills.

    Add Bill
    1. Click "Add Bill"
    2. Select Merchant by Code/Name/Category
    3. Key in Bill Number
    4. Input Bill Nickname (Optional)
    5. Enter One-time Password for selected merchants that require Two-factor Authentication

    Please note: bill registration and deletion for Credit Services, Securities Broker and The Hong Kong Jockey Club will only be available via PPS by Phone, PPS by Internet via a personal computer or PPS on Mobile App with biometric login.

    Pay Bill
    1. Click "Pay Bill"
    2. Select a bill
    3. Key in bill type (if any)
    4. Key in Payment Amount
    5. Select Payment Type
      1. Pay Now, select "one-off" and then click "Proceed" button, or
      2. For Schedule Payment (preset a forward bill payment for next 30 days ahead), select "one-off" and choose Payment Date, click "Proceed" button, or
      3. For Monthly payment, select "Monthly" and choose Payment Date, choose Final payment date and then click "Proceed" button.

    6. Verify the payment instruction and click 'Pay' button, note the Payment Reference Number / Schedule Instruction Number.

  10. How can I enquire whether the payment is made successfully?

    A Payment Reference Number is given at the end of each completed and successful payment transaction. If you have any questions, please check the "Payment History".

  11. Which transactions on PPS on Mobile require One-time Password (OTP)?

    OTP is required for the following services on PPS:

    • Bill registration for selected merchants# or specified merchants*
    • First-time bill payment for selected PPS merchants# via PPS by Internet or PPS on Mobile App for bills registered via PPS phone channel
    • Bill deletion of The Hong Kong Jockey Club
    • Change or reset PPS Internet password
    • Application for AlipayHK Registration Code on PPS on Mobile App
    • Biometric login setup on PPS on Mobile App
    • Authenticate email address
    • Change registered mobile number
    • Provide personal information to PPS for identity verification purposes as requested by specific merchants^

    However, if you are using biometric to login PPS App, except for merchants under Credit Services categories, Securities Brokers, Insurance and The Hong Kong Jockey Club, OTP is not required for the following transactions:

    1. Bill registration
    2. First-time bill payment for selected PPS merchants# via PPS by Internet or PPS on Mobile App for bill registered via PPS by phone
    3. Provide personal information to PPS for identity verification purposes as requested by specific merchants^
    4. Bill deletion of The Hong Kong Jockey Club

    #All merchants excluding those in the categories of Primary or Secondary Education, Post-secondary or Specialised Education, Government or Statutory Organisation & Public Utility.
    * Specified merchants include Credit Services, Securities Brokers and The Hong Kong Jockey Club.
    ^ The specific merchants include the merchants of Insurance or Pension Services, Securities Broker and eIPO.

  12. How to obtain a One-time Password?

    Before you proceed with your transaction, PPS will prompt you to enter a 6-digit OTP and send the OTP via SMS to your mobile phone number registered in our system. Please do not reply the SMS. Otherwise, SMS charge from mobile network operator may be applicable.

    With effect from 30 October 2011, SMS for OTP originating by PPS will be sent to your registered mobile phone number in your PPS account. This OTP will not be forwarded to other phone number even though you have enabled "SMS Forwarding" service provided by mobile phone service providers in Hong Kong.

    To receive the OTP, you should have a valid Hong Kong/ Macau mobile phone number registered to your PPS account. Keep your mobile phone in a safe place and make sure it is switched on with SMS enabled and sufficient memory to receive the OTP.

    Note: Please note that delivery of SMS messages requires support from mobile network operator. PPS shall not be liable for any damage, cost, expense or loss resulted from interference, delay or non-delivery of SMS messages caused by equipment failure or network problem of mobile network operators and the related technical support companies.

  13. How to register/change the mobile phone number?

    • Via PPS Registration Terminal

      Please bring along your ATM card or credit card with ATM function to any PPS Registration Terminal, choose "Set up or Change Mobile Number" function to register/change the mobile phone number.

    • Via PPS by Internet or PPS on Mobile App

      If your email address has been authenticated in your PPS Account, you can change your mobile number via PPS by Internet or PPS on Mobile App. After login your PPS Account, go to "Account Settings", select "Edit Settings" and then choose "Change" next to the "Mobile Phone Number". Then, follow the instructions to change your mobile number.

  14. Is there any charge for receiving One-time Password?

    PPS will not charge you for sending the OTP. Please contact your mobile network operator for any applicable SMS charges.

  15. Why can't my One-time Password be accepted by the system?

    Each OTP is valid only for the respective transaction within a short time, therefore it may not be accepted by the system after the time limit and an error message will be displayed. You can repeat the procedure and PPS will send another OTP to you via SMS to confirm the transaction.

  16. Can I receive the One-time Password when I am aboard?

    It will depend on whether you have roaming service for your mobile phone number. Please contact your mobile network operator and/or mobile phone hardware supplier for details. Please contact your mobile network provider for roaming SMS charges, however PPS will not be responsible for such charges.

  17. How can I delete a bill?

    You can follow the below steps to delete registered bills via PPS on Mobile.
    1. Press "Delete Bill"
    2. Choose bill need to delete
    3. Confirm bill details
    4. Press "Proceed" button

    Please note: bill registration and deletion for Credit Services, Securities Broker and The Hong Kong Jockey Club will only be available via PPS by Phone, PPS by Internet via a personal computer or PPS on Mobile App with biometric login.

  18. How can I arrange or edit a "Monthly Payment"?

    Please follow steps below to manage your monthly payment via PPS on mobile.

    1. Choose "Bill Maintenance"
    2. Choose "View monthly payment / 2nd Tax Instalment"
      1. For edit the instruction, choose "Edit" under your selected instruction, edit the payment amount and final payment date and then press "confirm".
      2. For delete the instruction, choose "delete" under your selected instruction, press "proceed" after you confirmed the details of instruction.

  19. Can I exit PPS on Mobile by closing the phone Internet browser or switching off the mobile phone?

    We strongly recommend you to click the "Logout" button to exit the service. This is the only way to guarantee that your account is appropriately logged off.

  20. What is the cut-off time for PPS payment transaction in PPS on Mobile?

    The cut-off time for PPS payment transaction in PPS on Mobile is the same as those of PPS by Internet and PPS by Phone. Cut-off time for payment transaction is 7:00p.m. from Monday to Friday except Saturday, Sunday and public holidays (Hong Kong Time). Transaction made beyond the cut-off time will be processed on the next working day. Fund availability of your payment varies with individual merchant. Please refer to the merchant's bill statement or contact the merchant for details.

  21. Can I use PPS on Mobile outside Hong Kong?

    Yes. However, mobile data roaming service may be required. Please check with your mobile network provider for details.

  22. What can I do if I forgot my PPS Account Number?

    Please bring along your ATM card or credit card with ATM function and go to any PPS Registration Terminal to retrieve your PPS Account Number by using the 'Retrieve PPS Account Number' function.

  23. What can I do if I forgot my PPS Internet Password?

    If your email address has been authenticated in your PPS Account, you can reset your Internet Password via PPS By Internet or PPS on Mobile App. Please choose "Forget your PPS Password" on the login page, then choose "Reset Password" and follow the instruction to reset your new PPS Internet Password.

    If you have yet to authenticate your email address with PPS, please bring along your ATM card or credit card with ATM function and go to any PPS Registration Terminal to change the new PPS Internet Password by using 'Setup or Change Phone & Internet Password' function.

    Note: If you have already enabled Biometric ID login in PPS on Mobile App, please reset your Biometric ID after password is changed.

  24. What can I do if I forgot my dedicated PPS Account Name for mobile channel?

    Please log in the "PPS by Internet" via a computer or "PPS on Mobile" service via mobile device with your PPS Account Number / Name and the PPS Internet password, then select "Setup a dedicated PPS Account Name for "PPS on Mobile"" at Account Settings to change the dedicated PPS Account Name.

  25. If my handset has been crashed or disconnected from the Internet unintentionally or changed to another website during payment transaction processing, how do I know that my payment transaction is executed?

    You may re-login to PPS on Mobile to check your previous transaction status by using "Payment History". However, if you cannot access to the "Payment History" successfully, you can call our PPS hotline at 2311 9876.

  26. What should I do if a message appears saying my PPS Account has been disabled after I wrongly entered PPS Internet Password or One-time Password consecutively for a number of times?

    To resume the service, please use the "Open New PPS Account" function at our nearest PPS Registration Terminal, choose the same PPS withdrawal bank account and input a NEW PPS phone and internet password.

    Note: If you have already enabled Biometric ID login in PPS App, please setup your Biometric ID again after password change.

  27. Is PPS on Mobile secure?

    We adopt industry security technology and practices to safeguard your account from any unauthorized access.
    1. Two-factor Authentication
      PPS Two-factor Authentication uses two different types of information to verify your identity:
      First protection:
      You are required to enter your PPS Account Number / Name or dedicated PPS Account Name for mobile channel and PPS Internet Password to authenticate your identity. Concurrent logins are not allowed, if you have logged in using other devices, the previous login will be disconnected.
      Additional protection:
      PPS will send a One-time Password (OTP) via SMS to your mobile phone when you register or pay bills with selected merchants. You are requested to enter the OTP to confirm the transaction.
    2. Transport Layer Security (TLS) 256-bit encryption
      '256-bit TLS' is an international adopted standard to ensure the flow of information between you and PPS on Mobile is under secure protection. The information is encrypted (changed to a code, which cannot be read) before transmission. Only an authorized receiver with appropriate software can unlock the code, changing it back to the original readable information. Therefore, the communication between you and us can be maintained in high confidentiality and integrity.
    3. Firewall
      A firewall is set up to help prevent unauthorized access by hackers.
    4. Time-out Function
      To help prevent unauthorized access, PPS on Mobile will automatically be disconnected after the service is idle for a certain period of time.
    5. Maximum Attempts for Login / One-time Password
      Your account will be suspended if you enter an incorrect PPS Internet Password or One-time Password consecutively for a number of times.
    6. Login Trail
      Your last login details will be displayed on PPS on Mobile for your verification and easy trail.

    The following are smart tips for you to log on to PPS on Mobile via mobile handsets.
    1. Login credential - the PPS Internet Password is masked with asterisks on the login screen. However, due to the inherent input features of certain mobile handsets, the digit/character that you have input may be displayed for a short while before it is masked. Please take appropriate measures when entering your login password to prevent from being inadvertently disclosed to anyone else.
    2. Do not press any button twice. After you have pressed a button to request for a transaction, it may take a while before you get a response, depending on the connection speed and network traffic. Press a button twice, may cause transaction submission for more than once. If in doubt, please check the debit details of your bank account soonest possible.
    3. Do not use the browser's "Back" button to go to previous pages. Always use the buttons and links in PPS on Mobile to navigate between pages.

    Please note the following security tips before you login to PPS on Mobile via mobile handsets. For the full set of security tips of PPS, please visit PPS website.

    • Install and run anti-virus program in your mobile and keep the virus definition file up-to-date
    • Ensure your mobile phone is switched on with satisfactory connection status and sufficient memory to receive SMS when receiving One-time Password for two-factor authentication
    • Please verify the details carefully in the SMS before input the OTP in PPS on Mobile
    • Well manage the SMS in your mobile phone
    • Better set up auto-lock and enable passcode lock to prevent unauthorized access of your handsets
    • When using Wi-Fi connection, use trusted Wi-Fi networks or service providers and enable security protection such as Wi- Fi Protected Access (WPA), if possible
    • Use default browsers originally provided by mobile handsets rather than newly installed browsers downloaded from other sources
    • Always type in address directly into the browser, or bookmark this URL to your favourites and use this bookmark to access PPS on Mobile
    • Install your personal information in your mobile device, e.g. Phone Password or Internet Password
    • Leave your mobile phone device unattended to prevent it from thefts
    • Share your mobile phone device to others
    • Redirect your SMS or mobile calls to other mobile phone number when receiving One-time Password for two-factor authentication
    • Use the browser's "Back" button to go to previous pages. Always use the buttons and links in PPS on Mobile to navigate between pages
    • Use any jailbroken Smartphone which may have security loopholes to log on to PPS on Mobile. PPS App does not run on jailbroken/rooted mobile devices.
    • Install applications on your mobile handsets from mistrusted sources or install unofficial software

  28. What should I do if my mobile phone is lost?

    You should report to your mobile network operator immediately. You may also want to change the mobile phone number through the nearby PPS Registration Terminal, if necessary.

  29. What should I do if my mobile phone number has been changed?

    • Via PPS Registration Terminal

      Please bring along your ATM card or credit card with ATM function to any PPS Registration Terminal, choose "Set up or Change Mobile Number" function to register/change the mobile phone number.

    • Via PPS by Internet or PPS on Mobile App

      If your email address has been authenticated in your PPS Account, you can change your mobile number via PPS by Internet or PPS on Mobile App. After login your PPS Account, go to "Account Settings", select "Edit Settings" and then choose "Change" next to the "Mobile Phone Number". Then, follow the instructions to change your mobile number.

    Upon successful update, your new mobile phone number will be registered in the PPS system immediately.

  30. Who should I contact if I found problems related to technical issues or settings of handsets in using PPS on Mobile?

    If it is related to the data usage plan or handset functions, please contact your mobile network operator for details.

  31. For general reject code reason, please refer to the following table for reference:-

    General reject code reason
    Reject Code: 415 - Refer to Bank#

    Reasons: Your bank card which is linked up with your PPS account has been reported loss or renewed.

    Or, you may check with your card issuing bank for reason.

    Action: Please bring along the activated bank card and reactivate your PPS Account using the "Open New PPS Account" function at our PPS Registration Terminal, choose the same PPS withdrawal bank account and input a NEW PPS internet password.
    Reject Code: 417 - Invalid Account#

    Reasons: Your bank account which is linked up with your PPS account was cancelled.

    Or, your bank card (not bank account) which was accessible to your bank account you used to open your PPS account was cancelled.

    Action: Please open a new PPS Account at our PPS Registration Terminal. All the bills registered in the old PPS account have to be registered again with the new PPS account.

    Or, if it is related to the cancellation of your bank card, please bring along a valid bank card (which is linked up with your PPS account), and reactivate your PPS Account using the "Open New PPS Account" function at our PPS Registration Terminal, choose the same PPS withdrawal bank and input a NEW PPS internet password.
    Reject Code: 419 - Card Expired#

    Reasons: Your bank account which is linked up with your PPS account was expired.

    Action: Please bring along the replacement card and reactivate your PPS Account using the "Open New PPS Account" function at our PPS Registration Terminal. To reuse the existing PPS account, please choose the same PPS withdrawal bank account through our PPS Registration Terminal and input a NEW PPS internet password.
    Reject Code: 422 - Refer Bank for Reason#

    Reasons: Your bank account information was updated recently

    Or, your bank card which is linked up with your PPS account was renewed or replaced.

    Or, you may check with your card issuing bank for reason.

    Action: Please bring along a valid bank card and reactivate your PPS Account using the "Open New PPS Account" function at our PPS Registration Terminal. To use the existing PPS account, please choose the same PPS withdrawal bank account and input a NEW PPS internet password.
    Reject Code: 424 - PIN Retry Exceeded#

    Reasons: Your ATM password of the bank card which is linked up with your PPS account was revoked due to repetitive input error

    Action: Please reactivate your PPS account after you reset the ATM password at the bank by bringing along a valid bank card to our PPS Registration Terminal using the "Open New PPS Account" function, choose the same PPS withdrawal bank account and input a NEW PPS internet password.
    Reject Code: 505 - Schedule Payment Instruction Reject

    Reasons: Only one schedule payment instruction can be set for each bill on PPS by Phone at a time. The second schedule payment instruction of that bill will not be accepted until the first one is executed or deleted.

    Action: Please setup a new schedule payment instruction for the same bill after the existing one is executed or deleted. If you have setup more than one schedule payment instructions via PPS by Internet or PPS on Mobile App, please login to PPS by Internet or PPS on Mobile App to manage the schedule payment instructions.
    Reject Code: 548 - Internet Password not match

    Reasons: PPS Internet Password is invalid or used before.

    Action: Please use a NEW PPS Internet Password.
    Reject Code: 573 - Bill Registration Reject

    Reasons: This number you entered has already been registered in your PPS account before.

    Action: No re-registration is required. Please arrange bill payment directly.

    For enquiry:
    Phone Enquiry
    Please call 18011 to press "3" for checking the registered bill.

    Internet Enquiry
    Please login to select "Pay Bill" page for checking the registered bill.
    Reject Code: 584 - Account not found

    Reasons: PPS account inputted is not exists.

    Inactive PPS account for over 18 months may be deleted automatically.

    Action: Please bring along a bank card with ATM function and open a new PPS Account using the "Open New PPS Account" function through our PPS Registration Terminal.
    Reject Code: 605 - Bill Registration Reject

    Reasons: This number you entered has been registered in another PPS account before.

    Action: Please delete the registration from previous PPS account before re-register it in this PPS account.

    Delete Registered bill
    Please login to PPS by Internet via a personal computer or call 18011 and then press '4' to delete your registered bill.

    Please refer to "How can I delete a bill?"
    Reject Code: A01 - Service is currently unavailable. Please contact PPS hotline 23119876

    Reasons: Your device has problem operating the PPS on Mobile application.

    1. Please check your mobile device is connected with a stable internet network.
    2. Please remove and re-install the PPS on Mobile application by downloading from Apple App Store / Google Play Store.
    3. Please ensure your mobile device does not install applications from mistrusted sources or unofficial software.

    # If your ATM chip card is not yet activated, debit Bank may temporarily suspend the PPS service. Please note that some Banks will require cardholders to activate the Bank card within a certain period of time in order to retain payment services linked. To reactivate the PPS service, please bring along the activated Bank card and update your PPS Account at one of our PPS Registration Terminals (please refer to row 3 of the above table for detailed action steps).

  32. What is Registration Code?

    PPS Registration Code service can be used to connect (bind) your PPS account to our selected merchants in secure way. Upon successful set up, you can confirm your payment in merchant's app quick and conveniently without entering your PPS credentials again.

  33. How to use Registration Code to connect (bind) your PPS account to selected merchant?

    You can connect (bind) your PPS account to our selected merchants using Registration Code by following two simple steps.

    Step 1 : Apply for a Registration Code
    • Log in to your PPS account in PPS on Mobile and select "Registration Code"
    • Press "Apply" and you will receive One-time Password via SMS from PPS
    • Enter the One-time Password to receive the 6-digit alpha numeric Registration Code

    Step 2 : Connect (Bind) PPS to selected merchant
    • Log in to your account in selected merchant's mobile app and choose to connect (bind) your PPS account
    • Enter the 6-digit Registration Code and your mobile number (mobile number which is registered in your PPS account) in the interface of selected merchant to complete the setup

  34. What should be aware of when using Registration Code?

    1. The Registration Code valid for 30 minutes. You can request for a new Registration Code if it has expired.
    2. Upon successfully set up, the binding between PPS account and selected merchants is valid for 36 months
    3. The binding between PPS account and selected merchant will be voided if you request a new registration code. Account connection set up should be performed again to connect (bind) your PPS account to selected merchants
    4. Please note the terms and conditions of selected merchant before using the account connection

  35. Which merchants are available for account connection by Registration Code?

    The merchants as below are available for account connection by Registration Code
    • Taobao /Tmall Mobile App
      (via AlipayHK mobile app for mobile payment)

  36. Can I cancel the account connection with selected merchants?

    Yes. You can login to the selected merchantˇ¦s app to cancel the PPS account connection.

  37. A nickname is required when I install the PPS app. What is nickname and what is the purpose of it?

    Nickname is a description assigned by you. It will be shown in the login page of PPS app, allowing you to identify the genuine PPS app easier. The set up of nickname does not mean changing PPS account login number/ name.

  38. How to change the nickname?

    Nickname cannot be altered or removed after setup. If you would like to change it, please remove the app in the device and install the app again via Google Play or App store.

  39. Can I refuse to setup the personalized nickname?

    No. You must setup a nickname to use the PPS app. Your personalized nickname can be from 8 to 16 alphanumeric characters including space at your own choice. Please avoid using your PPS Account Numer or password as nickname.

  40. How can I check if an SMS is sent by PPS?

    To assist the public in verifying the identities of SMS senders, PPS has joined the "SMS Sender Registration Scheme" launched by the Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA). Starting from 20 Jan 2025 9:00 a.m., PPS will use the below "Registered SMS Sender IDs" with prefix "#" to send SMS to local mobile service subscribers in Hong Kong.

    List of registered sender IDs (as of 20 Jan 2025):
    • #PPS
    • #PPSHK
    • #PPSnotice
    • #PPSsecure
    • #PPS_OTP
    • #PPSpayment
    • #PPS_Promo

    Please note that the Scheme is not applicable to two-way SMS of which the receiving party is expected to reply; or local subscribers of Single-Card-Multiple-Numbers / One-Card-Two-Numbers mobile service provided by non-Hong Kong operators.

    Reminder: If you receive an SMS claiming to be from "PPS" but the Sender ID does not start with "#" and is not one of those listed above, please be vigilant. Do not reply to these SMSs, refrain from disclosing any personal or account information and avoid clicking on suspicious links.

    You can also check the Scheme's participating organizations and their registered SenderIDs on the OFCA's website
FAQ for biometric login in PPS App  Back to top
  1. What is biometric login?

    Biometric login is an authentication method which verifies your identity and enables you to operate your PPS Account in PPS App. PPS App will use your face or fingerprint recognition stored on your device to link with your PPS Account. If your identity is authenticated, you can login to your PPS Account via PPS App without inputting PPS Account Number/Account Login Name and Internet Password again.

  2. How to setup biometric login in PPS App?

    If your mobile device supports biometrics and has registered your own biometric ID, you can enable biometric login function in PPS App > More > Biometric ID > select "ON". Then, follow the instructions to input your PPS Account Number/Account Login Name, Internet Password and One-time Password to confirm the set up.

  3. Which functions are supported by biometric login in PPS App?

    Biometric ID support all functions within our PPS App and can also confirm PPS Shop&Buy payments in a faster and more secure way.

  4. Why is my Biometric login voided in PPS App?

    Your Biometric login will be voided under the following circumstances:

    • Change PPS Internet Password
    • Changed/removed your face or fingerprint recognition on your device
    • Use your PPS Account to enable biometric login on another device
    • Not using biometric login on PPS App for one year
    • PPS Account revoked due to PPS Internet Password or One-time Password attempts exceeding limit

    To continue using biometric login on PPS App, please enable it again in PPS App > More > Biometric ID > select "ON". Then, follow instructions to input PPS Account Number/Account Login Name, Internet Password , One-time Password and scan your registered biometric ID on your device to confirm the set up.

  5. If I have more than one PPS Account, can I use the same biometric ID to login multiple PPS Accounts in PPS App on the same device?

    No. One biometric ID can link with one PPS Account only. If you need to login PPS App with a different PPS Account on the same device, please use the PPS Account Number/Account Login Name and Internet Password to login.

  6. Can I enable biometric login on two different devices and link with the same PPS Account simultaneously?

    No. You can only enable biometric login for one PPS Account on one device each time. If you have successfully used the same PPS Account to enable biometric login on another device, biometric login setting on your previous device will be voided automatically.

  7. Can I disable the biometric login in PPS App?

    Yes. Please disable it in PPS App > More > Biometric ID > select "OFF"

  8. Does PPS App take my biometric ID information and record in PPS?

    No. Your biometric ID is encrypted and securely saved in your personal device. PPS App just uses the authentication tools in your device to check your identity. The information CANNOT be taken out from your device.

  9. Which types of biometric identification are supported by PPS App?

    PPS App would use the secured, sophisticated and registered biometric identification on your device. The secured tool on your device is used to scan your registered biometric identification for user authentication. Most commonly permitted, secured and sophisticated biometric for recognition are Face ID/Touch ID on iOS devices and fingerprint on Android devices.

  10. I have enabled face recognition on my Android device but I cannot find the Biometric ID function in PPS App?

    Face recognition on some Android devices is not recognized as secured and sophisticated for authentication. You can enable fingerprint recognition function on your Android device to enable biometric login in PPS App.

FAQ for Push Notification on PPS App  Back to top
  1. What is Push Notification on PPS App?

    Push Notification is a message delivered to our customer via PPS App.

  2. What kind of messages will be send via Push Notification?

    Push Notification may include PPS latest news, payment confirmation for Shop&Buy transaction and notice on service update.

  3. Can I disable Push Notification function on my PPS App?

    Yes. If you want to disable Push Notification, please go to PPS App > More > Push Notification > select ˇ§OFFˇ¨. Please note that users cannot receive any information from PPS when Push Notification function is disabled on PPS App.

  4. Why I cannot receive Push Notification after I have made a PPS Shop&Buy online payment on PC?

    PPS will not send Push Notification message to users for Shop&Buy payment conducted on PC or mobile browser.

FAQ for Provide Personal Information  Back to top
  1. Why do I need to provide personal information to PPS?

    As request by the specific merchants*, you will need to provide the merchant with certain personal information via PPS for identity verification purpose. If you have registered bills that required the collection of your personal information, we will prompt a message to you before you pay the bill or after you log in your PPS account. If you have not provided the required personal information, you may not be able to make bill payments to this merchant via PPS in the future.

    * The specific merchants include the merchants of Insurance or Pension Services, Securities Broker and eIPO

  2. Which merchant would require me to complete identity verification?

    You can check the latest specific merchants at PPS by Internet or PPS on mobile. After login, click "Bill Registration" and then browse the merchant categories. The specific merchants require identity verification will be marked with a "tick" before their names.

  3. If I refuse to provide the required personal information, can I still pay specific merchants' * bill via PPS?

    It depends on the requirements of each merchant. Please contact the merchant that you would like to make payment to or read our on-screen message during your payment*.

    * For Computershare White Form eIPO Service, you can still proceed to use PPS to make your eIPO application payment if you do not provide the required personal information.

  4. I am a PPS by Phone user and have not yet obtained my internet password. Can I provide my personal information by using PPS by Internet to the merchant(s) for the purpose of identity verification?

    Yes. For PPS by Phone user, please visit (desktop mode) and select "login", then select "PPS by Phone Users please press HERE to perform identity verification". After entered your PPS Account Number and registered mobile number, a One-time Password will be sent to your registered mobile number via SMS to verify your identity during the login process. Then you can follow the instructions on the screen to provide personal information to PPS.

  5. How to provide my personal information to PPS?

    Depending on your debit bank account, you can provide your personal information by the following ways.
    1. Bank Verification:
      1. Press "Provide personal information" button in the "Account Settings" page after login PPS via PPS by Internet or PPS on Mobile.
      2. Followed the instruction provided to enter a dedicated page, you need to input your English Full Name and HKID card number for verification by the debit bank and input One-time Password to confirm. Email address is used for result notification.
      3. The whole process is completed after you received the result via email.
    2. Scan HKID:
      1. Press "Provide personal information" button in the "Account Settings" page after login PPS via PPS by Internet or PPS on Mobile.
      2. Followed the instruction provided, use your mobile device to start scanning your HKID card.
      3. Place the front face up of your HKID card on the table.
      4. You can make sure clear front face of your HKID card image shown in the frame and then press the button to scan the HKID card.
      5. After the image is clearly captured, press "Submit" to upload the image and system will verify and collect your English Full Name. After confirmed your verification result then input One-time Password to confirm.
      6. The whole process is completed after you received the result via email.

  6. How long does it take to process the required personal information provided?

    If you have successfully provided your personal information required for identity verification, the processing result will be delivered to you within 2 days* via email. If your identity verification process is completed, you can log in to and your status of providing personal information next to the English Full Name in "General Settings" will be updated as "Completed".

    * Cut-off time for processing your personal information: Daily at 3pm

    For submission made before the cut-off time, we will process your request on the same day.
    For submission made after the cut-off time, we will process your request on the next day.

  7. Can I make amendments to my personal information that submitted previously?

    Yes. After you have successfully provided the required personal information and received the processing result, you can re-perform the "Provide personal information" process again to provide the correct personal information.

  8. How to check my status of providing personal information in PPS?

    You can go to "Edit Account Settings" in "Account Settings" page after login to PPS by Internet or PPS on Mobile. Personal information status will be shown next to English Full Name field. "Incomplete" means you have not provided the required personal information to PPS for identity verification purpose. "In progress" means the required personal information has been submitted and is being processed. "Completed" means the providing personal information process is completed.

  9. Can I remove my English Name provided to PPS?

    Yes. You need to delete all the bills issued by the specific merchants, then go to "Account Settings" page and then select "Edit Account Settings" to amend or erase your English Full Name. Your personal information status will be updated as "Incomplete".

  10. If I apply IPO shares via Computershare White Form eIPO service and make payment using single PPS account, will I still be receiving refund monies in the form of e-Refund payment instructions (If my application is rejected, not accepted or accepted in part only, or if the Public Offer Price as finally determined is less than the maximum Public Offer Price per Offer Share)?

    If you have completed identity verification, received the confirmation email, and then pay the application monies from a single PPS bank account, any refund monies will be sent to that PPS bank account in the form of e-Refund payment instructions. If you have not completed identity verification, or you have completed identity verification but have not received the confirmation email before making payment for the application monies, your refund monies may be sent to the address specified in your application instructions in the form of refund cheque(s) by ordinary post and at your own risk.
FAQ for PPS Account linked up with Dah Sing Bank  Back to top
The following questions and answers are only applicable to PPS Account linked up with Dah Sing Bank.

  1. After Dah Sing Bank completed their core system upgrade on 8 April 2023, how does it affect my PPS Account?

    If you have a PPS Account linked up with Dah Sing Bank, you can still make bill payments through PPS as usual. However, you will be unable to use the NEW ATM card issued by Dah Sing Bank after 8 April 2023 (hereafter referred as "new ATM card") to perform the following functions on PPS Registration Terminals on behalf of your existing PPS account:

    • PPS Account Enquiry & Maintenance
      • Setup or Change Mobile Number
      • Setup or Change Phone & Internet Password
      • Retrieve PPS Account Number
      • Re-activate your PPS Account
      • Close Account

    Please note that if you do not need to use the mentioned PPS Registration Terminal services above, you can still make PPS payments with your existing PPS account as usual.

  2. Are all PPS Accounts linked up with Dah Sing Bank affected?

    No. You are only affected if you have opened a PPS account with an old Dah Sing Bank ATM card issued before 8 April 2023 AND you needed to use your new ATM card to perform the above mentioned services at our PPS Registration Terminals.

  3. What should I do if I want to use the services at PPS Registration Terminal?

    If you need to make use of the services available at our PPS Registration Terminals, please bring along your new ATM card to our PPS Registration Terminals and open a brand new PPS account. Throughout this process, PPS system will allocate a new PPS account number for you. Afterwards, you will need to delete all registered bills in your existing PPS account and re-register them to your NEW PPS account in order to make payments again.
    If you are unable to login to your existing PPS account (due to forget password or PPS account number etc.), please call our hotline on 23119876, our customer service officers will provide assistance.

  4. In the past, whenever the bank issued a new ATM/credit card to me, I am required to pay a visit to the PPS Registration Terminal to reactivate my PPS account. After I receive the new ATM card from Dah Sing Bank, am I also required to do the same?

    If you have previously opened a PPS account with a Dah Sing Bank ATM card issued before 8 April 2023, after you have received your new ATM card, you are not required to reactivate your PPS account through the PPS Registration Terminal. You would still be able to make PPS payments as usual.

FAQ for Change and Authenticate Email Address  Back to top
  1. Why it is necessary to authenticate the registered email address in my PPS Account?

    PPS customers are recommended to authenticate their email addresses. Upon successful email authentication, additional online services will also be enabled, such as the ability to change your registered mobile number and reset your PPS internet password. Overall, the authentication process will not only enhance security but will also enrich the convenience of your PPS experience.

  2. How does PPS authenticate the email address in my PPS Account?

    After you have submitted the request for email registration and or authentication, PPS will send an email with a One-Time Password to your specified email address. Please follow the instructions in the email to enter the One-Time Password, and complete "Two-factor Authentication" with your registered mobile number to successfully authenticate your email address.

  3. What should I do, if I did not receive the above mentioned email with the One-Time Password?

    If you could not receive the email, please make sure you have entered the correct email address and checked on your spam or junk mail folder. Should the problem persist, please contact PPS hotline at 2311 9876 for assistance.

  4. I did not register any mobile number in my PPS Account, can I perform email address authentication?

    No. If your PPS Account does not have a registered mobile phone number, PPS is unable to deliver the One-Time Password to you for "Two-factor Authentication". In this case, please first bring along your ATM card or a credit card with ATM function to any PPS Registration Terminal, choose "Setup or Change Mobile Number" function to register your mobile phone number.

  5. I cannot receive the SMS with One-Time Password from PPS, can I use another way to receive One-Time Password for email address authentication?

    No. PPS will only send One-Time Passwords to your registered mobile phone number via SMS for verification purposes. If you are unable to receive these SMS from PPS, please check your device settings and network connectivity, then attempt the email address authentication process again.

  6. My registered email address is no longer valid, can I change to another email address in my PPS Account?

    Yes. You can change the registered email address via PPS by Internet or PPS on Mobile App. Please login your PPS Account and choose "Account Settings", then select "Edit Settings" followed by "Change" next to your email address and follow the instructions to update and authenticate your new email address.

  7. I have completed the email authentication process, but I still cannot change my registered mobile number via PPS by Internet and PPS on Mobile App. What should I do ?

    After your email address has been authenticated, the change mobile number function will be enabled in an hour. Please try again after an hour.

  8. What PPS services require users to authenticate their email address?

    Users are required to authenticate their email address before using the following services on PPS Internet and PPS App:

    1. Change registered mobile number
    2. Reset PPS Internet password
    3. Setup schedule payments and/or recurrent schedule payments
    4. Send "Payment History" to email after paid bill
    5. Choose to "Receive post payment email notification" in Account Settings (from "Disagree" to "Agree")
    6. Register e-bills through PPS View Bill Service for merchants: AIA International Limited (PPS Merchant Code: 41), PCCW Limited (PPS Merchant Code: 01) and PCCW (NETVIGATOR / Now TV) (PPS Merchant Code: 74)
    7. Obtain the AlipayHK Registration Code via PPS App
    8. Provide personal information to PPS for identity verification purposes as requested by specific merchants*

    * The specific merchants include the merchants of Insurance or Pension Services, Securities Broker and eIPO
